

Explanation of Signal Signs Blackberry And Repair Solutions

BlackBerry Signal missing / SOS, sometimes also signal BlackBerry became GSM, BlackBerry or a signal that was GPRS/EDGE/3G uppercase to lowercase gprs/edge/3g certainly very annoying, making BlackBerry slow and some BlackBerry services can not be used as Browsing , BlackBerry Messenger, and others.

So I add an article about BlackBerry Signal Company Signs and Repair Solutions, so you understand any sign of the signal that appears on your BlackBerry and know how to fix.

The following explanation of the sign signal BlackBerry and the solution to fix it:

SOS Signal Signs On BlackBerry

Signal SOS on the BlackBerry indicate that you do not get a BlackBerry signal / signal is lost, it can happen if you are in a room that gets very little intake of signal. Signal SOS on the BlackBerry makes you unable to perform transmission / reception of SMS, browsing, chat, and almost all services that require a BlackBerry signal.

Solution: If you are indoors minimal signal, of course, you should find a place that gets enough intake signal so that the signal SOS BlackBerry that had returned to normal. But if you are in the room who do get a signal sufficient intake but your BlackBerry is still the SOS signal, try doing a soft reset or hard reset / reboot / restart your BlackBerry, if you still can not hook your BlackBerry signal or it could with Diagnostics Test with Host Routing Table .

GSM Signs Signal

GSM signal sign on a BlackBerry, make your BlackBerry can only be used for SMS and phone, no service data services that can be used such as chat, email, browsing, etc..

Solution: The solution is almost the same as the sign of the BlackBerry SOS signal, you can hook your BlackBerry signal or PING! to the RIM servers with Diagnostics Test.

Lowercase BlackBerry Signal gprs/edge/3g

Signs signal gprs/edge/3g lowercase means that you have not register to subscribe to a BlackBerry or BIS data package. It could also happen that had GPRS/EDGE/3G uppercase to lowercase gprs/edge/3g because errors in the data service on the network operator.

Solution: If you have not subscribed to BIS package you can subscribe to it, read how to list and rate info. If you are already subscribed to a BlackBerry data service and signal to lowercase gprs/edge/3g then you can try hook your BlackBerry signal or doing Diagnostics Test.

Uppercase BlackBerry Signal GPRS/EDGE/3G

Signal BlackBerry GPRS/EDGE/3G with capital letters means your BlackBerry is in the BIS data packet service so that you can use all the features browsing, chat, email, etc. according to BIS package you take. For an explanation of network GPRS/EDGE/3G I will make article later.

How to Hook BlackBerry Signal

Here are step by step how to hook a BlackBerry signal SOS / GSM / lowercase all gprs/edge/3g, but before you've subscribed to a BlackBerry data package of course.

Content Source: Bukisa - Explanation of Signal Signs Blackberry And Repair Solutions