

Epson PowerLite 93+ projector is easy on your pockets

I remember back in my younger days, projectors were considered to be bulky and expensive – and they generally do not do well in fairly lighted conditions, preferring the confines of a room that cockroaches love – in pitch black darkness. Well, technology has certainly progressed a long way since then, and companies do churn out projectors that will run just fine (and silently, too) in a relatively bright room, and at higher resolutions, too. The Epson PowerLite 93+ projector is one of the latst models from Epson that target K-12 classrooms, where it will take over where the current PowerLite 93 left off.
Boasting high performance features such as 200 more lumens compared to its predecessor, the Epson PowerLite 93+ projector will also feature a robust built-in speaker and advanced connectivity features, making it perfect for schools who want to future-proof their classrooms without breaking their bank where an affordable projection solution is concerned.