

Would You Date Someone Fifteen Years Younger

The trials and tribulations of an older woman and a younger man
I have done it and was not cut out for it. I was constantly aware of being 45 and him being 30. Consequently I did not want to go out a lot or introduce him to my female friends. They had already told me he was a delectable catch and wished they were so lucky to have a man of thirty that looked like that and was so crazy about me.

Content Source: Bukisa - Would You Date Someone Fifteen Years Younger

Win Back Your Ex By Making Them Fall In Love With You

Given that you want to win back your ex realize that you remain the person with the greatest chance of making this a possibility. After all, your ex fell in love with you at some point even if they are not willing to admit it. Understanding that there is hope in being able to win back your ex is foundational.
Given that you want to win back your ex realize that you remain the person with the greatest chance of making this a possibility. After all, your ex fell in love with you at some point even if they are not willing to admit it. Understanding that there is hope in being able to win back your ex is foundational for moving forward with the following concepts. Belief will help you persevere though some of the challenges that come in trying to win back your ex. However, belief alone cannot bring your ex back and implementing the information contained here places the probability much higher.

Content Source: Bukisa - Win Back Your Ex By Making Them Fall In Love With You

Can You Really be With Only One Partner in Your Lifetime

Understanding what marriage is all about before you commit

Nothing lasts forever, not even love, not with the same intensity as the first time you met. We fall in love, we marry, we take vows, we promise, we disappoint, we forgive and we have hardly finished the wedding cake when one party aggravates the other and the couple’s true nature comes out. The fault is not with the couple. The fault is with the misunderstanding of the word love and what marriage means and whether it can sustain the rough parts as well as the good.

Content Source: Bukisa - Can You Really be With Only One Partner in Your Lifetime